Current Art Program Flyers & More!
2024-2025 Season
Step 1:
MANDATORY REGISTRATION FORMS, including our program policies, for download. Please select the appropriate form below to download and complete.
Step 2:
Once the form from [ Step 1 ] has been completed, please have it ready to secure your spot with payment in one of the two following methods:
1 > Visiting the gallery
2 > Calling the gallery
Please note: Payment is due with registration.
If you phoned in your registration, please proceed to STEP 3.
within 24hrs
(Phone Registrants Only)
Please Add:
Student FULL Name & Program to the Subject Line.
Drop Off Registration Form @ The Gallery
What's On @ Your Gallery: About Our Programs
The Niagara Falls Art Gallery is an arts education organization that provides professional art programming and services across Niagara. Our main location in Niagara Falls, Ontario, accompanies our gallery spaces which house several major art collections.
Along with our subsidiary organization, the Niagara Children's Museum, the Gallery follows a mandate to provide educational activities to students, residents and visitors of Niagara Falls and its surrounding areas through exhibits, workshops, lectures, seminars and more. As such, a host of cross-curricular, multi-discilpline classes, workshops and camps are offered in numerous facilities throughout the region and are available to children (ages 4 to 14), youth (15+) and Adults.
Our Childrens's programming focuses on fine motor skill development, theme learning, art concepts and techniques designed to assist them in taking a step ahead of their classmates.
Our Youth and Adult Art & Better Living classes are designed to foster the arts community in Niagara while helping to promote, develop, further and enhance skills in the arts and more. Programs are available for beginners through to experienced students.
Available Services
(Please Also See Visiting Information Below For Requirements)
See Visitor Information for more information
(see our School Programs page)
General Health & Safety
The health and safety of our visitors and patrons is always a priority. Our adaptive policies follow guidelines, requirements and suggestions of regulatory bodies while monitoring current developments and trends. The strategic implementation of these policies, and the corresponding evolution of our services, allows us to continually address and support not only these guidelines but also the concerns of all of our patrons, staff and volunteers while maintaining our exceptional standards which offer the best experience possible.
CONTACT US: Questions or concerns?
Please contact us for assistance. Office inquiries avaliable by phone: Monday-Friday 9am-3pmNEWS
Please follow us on our main social media account found on
for updates and notifications.
You can also check our website
or follow us on: &
The Niagara Children's Museum offers both art classes and camps as well as school cross-curricular workshops and programming in the areas of science and technologies. More information can be found at their website: Here