Virtual Donor Wall
We gratiously thank the following for their generous support:
Gallery Benefactors
Edith Albrant
Roy Atamanuk
John Burtniak
Caldwell Securities
Bruce and Chantal Edgar
Ivan Hrabowsky
Rich Judge
Olha and Mikola Kolankiwsky
Jean Kurelek
The Kurelek Family
Marg Lamb
Ron Potts
Jean Slack
Brian Smylski and Debra Attenborough
Ray Moriyama
Edward Schwartz
The Gilbert Family

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Passion Patrons (2+)
David and Claudia Brown
Andrew Doyle
Isobel Doyle
Dr. Ivan Hrabowsky
Marg Lamb
W. Terence Sehl
Jean Slack
Readers Digest Association
The Village Gallery
Passion Patrons
All Saints Anglican Church, Collingwood
Lily N. Arnold
Art Gallery of Greater Victoria
Art Gallery of Hamilton
Roy Atamanuk
Dr. Debra Attenborough and Brian Smylski
A.J. Bakker
Dr. Jeanette Bayduza
Judith and Martin Bishop
Florence Buchanan
John and Barbara Burbridge
Kwok Bin Chu
G.G. Cortens
A. Albertine Coughlin
Grant and Carolyn Cowan
Mario L. DeMarinis
Fred and Lonny Doornbos
Mary Stella Ethrington
Kathleen Fernandes and Douglas Gray
Roberto Fracchoine
James and Dorothy Fulford
John and Marleen Gomes
Ted Greenway
Vera Gruschetzky
Clark E. Hamel
Passion Patrons - cont.
Father Martin Hilbert
Peter Jacyk
Cecile Johnson
Maria and Kenneth Kissinger
Jean Kurelek
Rev. Roderick Lamb
Thomas Langan
Stephen Liptay
Madonna House, Toronto
Vera Malancyzyj
Deirdre Malone
Mr. And Mrs. Paul Malone
Rod and Louise McDonald
Revs. Bruce and Marjory McMartin
National Life Assurance Company of Canada
Dr. Andreas Nuyens
Our Lady of Peace Womens League, Niagara Falls
Father Robert Pelton
James Gerald Robinson
Yolande Rodrique
Beverly Roe
Jim and Ruth (Thea) Rusthoven
Bonnie Scharf
Anne E. Schlieper
Norma Sehl
Willard A. Sehl
Dr. Eugene Steckiw
St. James Anglican Church, Dundas
C.R. Taylor
Barry and Merle Tomyk
Harmen and Gerda VanderMeulen
Mona R. Vendetti
Peter B. Wenglowsky
Diana Wiggins
Winnipeg Art Gallery
Helen R. Young
Sherman and Nancy Zavitz
Herman and Susan Zerweck
Gallery Supporters
Dr. Sharmila Perera
June Scott & Jim Sauer
Adam Steward LLB
Gallery Friends
Canadian Tire Acceptance Corporation
Bob and Rose Castellani
Chris Castellani
Vera Grushetzky
Peter and Greta Hildebrand
Lubrizol Canada
Marie O'Donnell
Harmen and Gerda Vander Meulen
Group Contributors
Marie Ahmed
Manuel Costa
June Halverson
Madeline Jackson
William Klassen
Margaret Landry
David and Alice MacKenzie
Anne McKellar
Mary Smylski
Mr. and Mrs. Vanderburg