The William Kurelek Collection
About The CollectionThis collection has grown greatly since the Gallery was formed in 1976. For over 40 years the gallery's aquisitional activities have led to establishing what is possibly the largest collection of items from and about Kurelek. This robust anthology has had many donating contributors including both institutions as well as individuals. One of the most noteworthy is Olha Kolankiwsky's significant donation of the Passion of Christ Series which not only helped establish this collection but is a remarkable testiment to Kurelek's dedication to his craft sitting at 161 pieces. From critic to chronicler, William reflected not just himself but illustrated the passage and experiences of many Canadians from prarie pioneers to native life to suburban living and beyond. The Niagara Falls Art Gallery has established a unique exhibition space, The William Kurelek Gallery, dedicated to featuring not only some of the culturally significant work but also selections that showcase William's talent and perspective from this collection.
The William Kurelek Collection is subdivided into two main departments: the Art of William Kurelek and the William Kurelek Archives. These nationally significant resources contain a diverse selection of his drawings, paintings and graphic works as well as personal artifacts such as research files, letters, library and the artist's very own studio. Supported by an extensive archive of catalogues, magazines, newspaper articles, books and videos the William Kurelek Archive will be providing interested parties with information for years to come.
The Art Of William Kurelek
Illustrating his body of work, this department includes numerous individual pieces, painting series, prints, lithographs, personal portfolios - containing sketches and maquettes, and more. Some highlights of this department include: The Passion of Christ series, Love/Hate, All Things Betray Thee Who Betrayest Me, and the Nuclear Age Madonna.
The William Kurelek Archive
An ambitious undertaking, this department consists of a large selection of pieces from the artist's personal study materials, aquisitions, fabrications, promotional materials, apparel, and residency. It is also supported by an extensive library of various books and media about the artist, some of which the gallery has been instrumental in supporting and producing. Some highlights of this department include: Hand crafted furniture and frames by the artist, an original 8mm work print of the the Passion Of Christ film by Philiip Earnshaw and the Bomb Shelter, the artist's studio, on permanent installation in the gallery.

Selections from the
William Kurelek Collection
William Kurelek Collection